Author Archives: miga

About miga

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anaïs Nin

Writing and acting updates!!


I’m sorry I’ve been so forgetful updating this blog.  Here’s what I’ve been up to this month:


  • I’ve gotten two chapters of my story “Maggie and the Goblin” finished.  I’ve decided to work on this story and publish it all at once versus the Jukepop serial format.  I’m not sure I’m ready to work on a deadline like this.
  •  I shot a commercial for The Guardian US. This commercial will most likely be used for internal sales purposes but there is a very good chance it will wind up online.  I’ll update again once I can get my hands on the footage.
  •  I shot another commercial today for the Braingility memory system in Yardley, Pennsylvania.  It was a long day, but everyone on the crew was incredibly hospitable and supportive. And they let me take home snacks from Kraft Services.  AND I found two dollars on the ground at the Yardley train station!  All in all it was a good day 🙂
  •  I’ve just been cast in the webseries “Quarter Century,” about black 20-somethings trying to figure themselves out in New York.  I’m so excited about this project but unfortunately I won’t know my role until Saturday’s table reading.  Again, I’ll update once I get more info (I promise!)  In the meantime, please donate to help out the second season cast and crew.*

On tomorrow’s schedule is a callback for the new play “Detroit Blues” which, hopefully, will not clash with my rehearsal schedule for “QC.”  Wish me luck** everyone!  I’ll talk to you all later…


*This will also help me out financially.  So you’re not only supporting the arts and people of color in general, you’re supporting lil’ old me.
**by luck I mean “break a leg,” of course.

Women who get catcalled are the real sexual harassers, explains Men’s Rights Redditor


An awesome piece on catcalling and the MRAs who love it. Funnily enough I get harassed the most when I am distressed or look distressed (aka like a frumpy mess ). Men like that are vipers.

we hunted the mammoth

Woman sexually harassing a group of men with her slutty attire. Woman sexually harassing a group of men with her slutty attire.

A month or so ago, after an antiques dealer responded to her comment about a piece of furniture by asking her if she and her female friend “ever made out with each other,” Leah Green of The Guardian decided it was time to try a little gender-reversal experiment: she would use hidden cameras to film her to treat unsuspecting men to the same sort of inappropriate sexual remarks that women get treated to every day, using real life examples collected by the @everydaysexism project.

You can see their reactions in the short video she posted on the Guardian’s website; she discusses her motivations more here.

Many of the men, unaccustomed to this sort of harassment, weren’t exactly sure how to react to her comments. When she asked a bartender for a drink and a lap dance, she had…

View original post 1,135 more words

Maggie and the Goblin is now hosted on JukePop Serials!


In order to spur my writing drive I’ve decided to host Maggie and the Goblin, my YA novella, on

Jukepop curates user-submitted stories and hosts them on their website for people to read – sort of like an all-fiction Readers Digest.  Writers keep all rights to their work, get a great new publishing platform, and can choose to put their stories behind a paywall if they wish to monetize it.  Even if they don’t, Jukepop rewards the top 30 stories on their site cash prizes so there’s still a way to make money off submissions.

You can read the first installment here, where I’ll be updating every week.  Even though the first couple of chapters are already posted on this blog I’d really prefer you headed over to Jukepop and caught up there.  

Thanks again for bearing with me, cyber-friends!  Let’s catch up with Maggie and Magar together, shall we?

Long time no see!


Hello Cyberfriends,

I’ve been absent for a while, I know. Various things- crashed computer, depression, etc. have made it hard to keep up with this blog. It’s really poor-form for a writer to neglect her blog for such a long time and I apologize, but I’m going to try to bring things back to life around here.

Also, I’ve got a new website: (soon to be a .com, once the domain issues are resolved) ! This isn’t going to replace the blog, it’ll be more of a one-stop-shop for all of my portfolio stuff. If you want to access my photos, resume, film clips, or bio you don’t have to dig back through the wordpress archives- it’ll all be in one easily accessible place. The two sites are linked, so anything posted here will appear on the blog tab in the new site, and anything I update there I’ll make sure to post on the wordpress.

To everyone who is still following me and has been for the past few years: thank you so much! I hope I can live up to your expectations! Happy 2014.



I Can Only Write About Lost Things

When we rose to meet each other
you dove into me like I was home,
like a fish returning to the sea
after being flung upon land in a storm.
I held you to my depths
and, roiling, we two dark things
phosphoresced when we touched.
To me
your skin was the rich earth I danced on
Your eyes caught the moon and held it in shards
Your teeth flashed like lights off the water
Those lips brushing mine- ripe plums.
Now my body is ungrounded
and my fingers, unmoored from yours
are useless ships-
Clumsy, bobbing in the charcoal night.

-For K, who said this was allowed

An Actor’s cover letter


Hello, my name is Mieko Gavia, I’m 24, and I’d absolutely love the opportunity to work with you!

Here’s a little bit about me:

I am a recent Honors graduate of Theater with over 12 years of acting experience.  I was trained in the Stanislavsky method at Oberlin College, and am familiar with classical, modern, musical, and contemporary comedy and drama, as well as spoken word.  I have taken classes in modern dance, bellydance, and blues dance, and continue to expand my repertoire whenever possible.  I have also spent 4 years as a counselor/teaching assistant at The MAD* Factory, a not-for-profit Theater camp for low-income and at-risk children.  I have also art modeled (bodypainting) for Mo Beasley’s UrbanErotika, for international artist Sangram Majumdar, and for the Brooklyn Nude Figure Drawing group at Bunnycutlet gallery in Williamsburg.

What began as a shy girl’s way of learning to speak without fear developed into a full-fledged love of Theater and the Performing Arts.  I am in love with words- either spoken, sung, written, or interpreted through movement.  Recently, I’ve managed to combine my love of acting with my love of literature, and have written several comedic and dramatic stage plays in addition to my other writing pursuits.  

To see a bit of my combined loves, please visit: : a taping of my honors project “Dog” -which I wrote, starred in, and helped produce- or contact me for the entire recording over Gmail.  I also have a youtube commercial that premiered Valentines day, which you can find here:

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!


Mieko Azaria Gavia